
Closing the gap
Between Potential
& Achievement

We provide one on one relationships that enable students to achieve their academic potential


Assessment, Diagnosis & Therapy

of learning difficulties

We complete diagnostic evaluations to identify intellectual, perceptual, and academic strengths, weaknesses, and disparities.


Closing the gap
Between Potential & Achievement

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We provide the building blocks for learning success.

Specializing in the Diagnosis & Remediation of

Learning Differences

Offering learning support for students' needs today and tomorrow.

Our Mission is to
  1. Serve students of all ages
  2. Meet diverse educational needs through specialized and individual therapies
  3. Help parents navigate the educational process
Assessment & Diagnosis

Our Services

Assessment & Diagnosis

We complete diagnostic evaluations to identify intellectual, perceptual, and academic strengths, weaknesses, and disparities.  These include a written...

Academic Support

We provide individualized and comprehensive learning support tailored to the identified weaknesses holding students back from achieving their...

Cognitive Skills Training

We realize that many learning struggles are the result of undeveloped or underdeveloped processing skills.  We address these weaknesses first and...

The IRLEN Method

We offer assessment for Irlen Syndrome, a visual-perceptual disorder. This treatment can be used as a stand alone service or in conjunction with an educational...


Educational therapy addresses the underlying learning skills that affect students’ academic performance. These skills might include visual and auditory processing, attention, focus and memory skills.

Our Address

4545 Bissonnet Suite 215,
Bellaire, TX 77401

Our Phones

Working Hours

Monday - Thursday
10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Other hours by appointment

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